Our News Archive: 2023
For the Love of Cats, Don’t Become a Kit-Napper!
March 30, 2023
Here at Kitsap Humane Society, we love kittens. I mean, who doesn’t? It’s because we love these wonderful tiny creatures so much that we urge you—don’t become a kit-napper! “Wait, what’s a kit-napper?” A kit-napper is a well-meaning, concerned individual who sees a kitten, or kittens, somewhere all alone and rushes into action to “save”… Read Entire Story »
How To Make a Winter Shelter for Community Cats
December 17, 2021
Looking out for a community cat this winter? There are a few important things to keep in mind to keep them safe and warm as inclement weather approaches. While cats can often find their own shelter, providing shelter helps them shelter in a safer space. Outdoor cats often seek warmth in their shelters and can… Read Entire Story »
A Life Transformed: Meet Dean
August 4, 2021
Two months ago, a community member and her child were walking along a local beach. They spotted something in the distance but had to move closer to see if their eyes were deceiving them. There, lying in the cold rain amongst the sand and rock, was a dog. His body was emaciated, and his limbs… Read Entire Story »