Spay & Neuter Awareness Month Success

March 1, 2023

Yesterday was World Spay Day and we celebrated by not only offering a Cat Fix Day to 30+ cats from low-income families but also by taking part in Pasado’s Safe Haven World Spay Month collective. As part of this joint effort, KHS and 17 other local organizations came together to tackle the immense backlog of pets waiting to be spayed or neutered. Collectively, our goal was 3,352 spay/neuter surgeries in the month of February with Kitsap Humane Society’s personal goal being 218. We are proud to report that we not only met our goal but exceeded it at 280 spay/neuter surgeries in the month of February with 156 of those being for low-income families and the remaining 124 for shelter pets.

Thank you so much to Pasado’s Safe Haven for organizing this collective action. We are proud to be part of an animal welfare community that aims to provide spay/neuter services to as many community members in need as possible.