Worth the Wait

September 21, 2011

“He that can have patience can have what he will.” – Benjamin Franklin

We saw the chairs outside of the Kitsap Humane Society a little after 8 o’clock in the morning. Sitting in them was a little boy and his mother. Knowing that a stray hold would be up on a litter of puppies at noon that day prompted them to be the first to arrive. Shawn wiggled in his seat all morning. Four hours he waited, and when the doors opened at noon he was allowed first pick of the puppies.

Shawn sat on the ground of the puppy play area as they all jumped around and licked him. But he knew just who he wanted. Aquamarine, now Ally, captured this little boy’s heart.

When the adoption paperwork was completed Ally was brought out to join her forever family. Tears of happiness flowed, and Ally was carried outside by a young man wearing a smile that beamed from ear to ear.

Shawn said that waiting four hours was worth it. He now has a new best friend. Puppy training will be hard, but this young man has patience.

                                                         – Heather Kite, KHS Animal Welfare Coordinator

Shawn and Ally