Come Meet Woodward, the Prince of KHS

November 8, 2011

How rare is it to have one of those perfect sunny, dry, and crisp fall mornings under cedar trees? A quick cup of strong coffee and you’re out the door with your trusty dog pal. Maybe we’ll grab a tennis ball and play.

I like the sun, he seems to also. We’re a little axious to run around a bit, nobody else is around yet. We better make the most of it though, the shelter opens soon. Woodward needs to get back his center-stage position and look good for all the hopeful adopters.

A black pitbull I note. Might take Woodward a bit longer to catch attention. Black dogs take much longer to find a home. They just don’t stand out in a crowd as well. The pit bull thing though…

I catch myself as I think this, watching Woodward with two tennis balls in his mouth upside down, kicking in the air like he was swimming. This is what people need to see… I bet if we just stayed out here all day somebody would notice how much fun he is. I promise myself one day we will build a better kennel to save guys like Woodward faster.

Ok buddy, this was a perfect morning. We both have work to do, let’s get back to our offices. Sure don’t worry, I won’t take the tennis ball. I see how much it means to you. Thanks for today.

                                                         – Sean Compton, KHS Executive Director