Help Needed for Horses

November 10, 2010

Once again our sun hides for the season, bringing tidings of rain and cooler days.

Unknown to the general public, this is the season many of our outdoor animals face the terrible pain of hunger and starvation as the grass soon ceases to grow.

In our county alone there is an estimated 15,000 horses. In addition, we have many hobby farms with livestock. Many horse owners rescued their horse from an ongoing national plight only to find that the cost of caring for a rescued horse is enormous and they now need help.

This winter, please help by spreading the word. Kitsap Humane Society will be activating the Hay Program to provide low cost hay for qualified individuals living below the poverty level. Details will be available at or local food banks shortly.

We have this progressive program with great thanks due to a dedicated horse rescue in North Kitsap that continues to do wondrous works. In return we hope to keep this program sustained any time there is a need. As such, please help by donating to our special fund and supporting your local rescues.

Kitsap Humane Society horse funds go 100% to animals in need and cannot be spent for any other purpose, donate with confidence!